[Chocolate Nails] Self sweet nail art design 점토파츠로 셀프네일하기

Chocolate Nail Art

clay nails

Candy Nails

I made clay nail art decorations for my sweet nail designs~^^
I know it's way toooo much! haha
I just wanted to use as many clay decos as I can..>.<!

clay nail art design

This white clay calls 'plastic clay' because when it dries, it became hard as plastic.
I colored them with nail polishes~ (I don't have acrylic paint T.T)

The square with 'Love' lettering isn't my work! I bought it!

self nail art step by step

Chocolate nail art step by step

1. half french for every tips
2. draw stripes or melted chocolate~
3. glue nail rhinestones
4. put clay nail art decorations~

점토파츠 만들기

Chocolate, donuts, pretzels, waffle, cookies, and candy~

점토로 네일파츠를 만들어서 붙여봤어요~
제가 사용한 점토는 플라스틱 점토에요^^
플점은 굳었을 때.. 플라스틱처럼 단단해져서 그렇다 불린다고 하네요~
흰색이라 색을 칠해야 하는 단점이 있지만..
원하는 색상표현을 하기 좋다는 장점도 있지요^^
미니어쳐라 만들기 좀 힘들거라 생각하시겠지만...
어차피 작은거니까 대충만들어 붙일거라.. 오히려 더 쉬워요..>.<;;
어차피 정교하게 만들 자신도 없고..
여튼 손톱에 요런 파츠 만들어 붙이고 싶으신분은..
더 작게 만드시면 좋을 것 같아요..^^ 잘 보이지도 않을 정도로~~^^;;


miniature clay art

I don't have talent in clay works so my clay arts are not fine and delicate
but it's good that you don't have to buy every nail art decorations^^
